Launch Steps - Public
Phone Call and Conversation Script - Essentials Plan
Overview This article reviews how to promote the ReachWell app any time you have a one-to-one conversation in-person or via phone call with a family contact. Instructions Use the script below to incentivize families to get on the app. This script is ...
Drawing for Families on the App - Essentials Plan
Overview This article will guide you through an incentive to increase adoption to the ReachWell app. Drawing Instructions Inform families of the drawing Inform families of the drawing via email using the template below. Inform families of the drawing ...
Introductory Webinar and/or "App Station" - Essentials Plan
Overview The highest adoption rate of new technology comes with a direct conversation from leadership, whether that be a remote webinar, or an in-person app station. Hosting an app introduction webinar or adding "app stations" to your events is a ...
Notify Contacts - Robocall Announcement - Essentials Plan
Overview Organizations can utilize and modify the scripts in this article for reaching contacts (i.e. families) by phone. You can use your organization's traditional robocall or auto-dial service for this call. Please note: Phone calls are not the ...
Website Announcement - Essentials Plan
Overview This article provides suggestions and content for updating your organization's website to announce ReachWell to your community! Instructions To begin, we recommend downloading one of ReachWell's pre-designed website banners. Click HERE to ...
Print and Share Download Instructions - Essentials Plan
Download Instructions Click to open the Download Instructions. Print multiple copies, and always keep a stack on the front office desk, or any other community areas. Send copies home with individuals, such as handout at community meetings and events. ...
Social Media Announcement - Essentials Plan
Overview We suggest utilizing your organization's social media presence to announce and promote the ReachWell app to your community! This article provides predefined ReachWell images and suggested text for you. Instructions To begin, please click ...
Voicemail Announcement - Essentials Plan
Overview ReachWell recommends updating your organization's voicemail systems to announce our app to your community! This will help to reduce front office phone traffic by providing your contacts (i.e. families) with a self-serve option to find the ...
Signage Announcement - Essentials Plan
Overview We suggest updating the sign in front of your organization to announce and promote the ReachWell app to your community! Here is one example of a sign that might encourage families to download the ReachWell app in order to get involved with ...
Privacy & Safety Handouts - Essentials Plan
Overview ReachWell is dedicated to the safety and privacy of your organization's contacts and families. Click HERE to print downloadable handouts that you can distribute to contacts regarding our privacy and safety policies in both English and ...
Download Printable Posters - Essentials Plan
Overview This article provides printable posters to post around your school or organization to announce the news about ReachWell! Instructions Click HERE for pre-designed poster downloads. To modify the content of these posters before printing, ...
Notify Contacts - Text Announcement - Essentials Plan
Overview This article provides the suggested content for sending a brief text message to instruct your community families to download ReachWell! Suggested Text To send out the text message, you can use your current messaging service. Here is an ...
Notify Contacts - Email Announcement - Essentials Plan
Overview This article provides you with resources and tips for emailing a ReachWell announcement to your contacts (i.e. families)! You can also include the following text and image in a printed newsletter. For organizations utilizing our Essentials ...