ReachWell Reports

ReachWell Reports


This article details ReachWell's Usage and Message Reports. Our data reports help you to assess how your contacts are using ReachWell This tool can help you to analyze whether or not your messages are being received, and which parts of the app are being used most frequently.

Usage Reports

Navigating Usage Reports

  1. Navigate to your ReachWell Dashboard.
  2. From the main navigation bar, select Reports > Usage Reports.
  3. Select your district (if applicable) and then Search
  4. Filter the data further by then selecting a school and then Search, and then select a specific group if desired.
  5. If desired, enter a specific date range, and then select Search.  
  6. Select Export Data to export reports data to a CSV file for a specific date range. Then, enter your desired date range. Options include exporting data for the last 3, 6, or 12 months, or for a specified date range. Please note that  specific date ranges must begin and end on Sundays. 
Usage Reports Data

There are various ways to filter and review data related to your contacts (i.e. families) using Usage Reports.

  1. You can hover your mouse over the line graph to see specific numbers for each date range for up to six weeks past.
  1. The graph will display the reports for the last six weeks:
    1. Subscribers: From the top left of the graph, you can see how many of contacts have joined your organization or school's page on their mobile device app. Toggle the Contacts # option to reflect subscriber data as a percentage. This number is based on the total number of students entered in a school's profile under the App Setup > Schools/Orgs > Action column. This number must be manually updated by a School Admin (we recommend updating it quarterly)!
    2. Community Size: These statistics will only show in the exported data CSV file. This number is based on the total number of students entered in a school's profile. 
    3. Messages sent: These statistics will only show in the exported data CSV file. This number reflects how many messages were sent from an organization unit (e.g. school, group).

TIP! The total number of students for a school can be modified from your App Setup > Schools/Orgs page by clicking the pencil icon under the Action column for that school. Be sure to update this number regularly in order that your ReachWell Reports will reflect the correct numbers!

To see data for just the last 7 days, view the numbers below the line graph:

    1. Active users this week: This includes unique devices or verified contacts that have opened the main screen of the ReachWell for their school over the last 7 days.
    2. Number of added contacts: Organizations utilizing our First Class plan who are using private groups can see how many contacts were uploaded to ReachWell over the last 7 days.
    3. Number of active verified contacts: Organizations utilizing our First Class plan who are using private groups can see the total number of contacts that have verified themselves on the ReachWell app using their verification code.
    4. Percent of Verified Contacts: Organizations utilizing our First Class plan who are using private groups can see a percentage of the total number of contacts who have verified themselves on the ReachWell app.
The App Interaction data shown below reflects the past 7 days and shows the percentage of times your organization's contacts (i.e. families) have clicked on a page in the ReachWell app (e.g. school home page, calendar, groups and resources) in comparison to the total app clicks. Hover your mouse over the graphic for specific percentages. 


Messaging Reports

Navigating Messaging Reports
  1. Navigate to your ReachWell Dashboard.
  2. From the main navigation bar, select Reports > Messaging Reports.
  3. Select your district (if applicable) and then Search
  4. Filter the data further by then selecting a school and then Search, and then select a specific group if desired.
  5. If desired, enter a specific date range, and then select Search.  
  6. Select Export Data to export the reports data to a CSV file. Please note:
    1. Message Reads: This number shows how many times an announcement was read by contacts, including if a contact reads a message multiple times.
    2. Unique Reads: This number shows how many unique contacts read an announcements one time.

Messaging Reports Data
  1. Messages sent: The number of messages sent by an organization unit (e.g. school, group). This will include messages sent to private groups only.
  2. Notifications delivered: The number of mobile devices that accept notifications from ReachWell, and received the push notifications for the announcement.  


For additional questions, please reach out to We are happy to help! 
Click here to subscribe to status updates through our ReachWell Academy channel on the app.

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