If your organization is utilizing our First Class plan, we provide an easy way to connect your student information system (SIS) to ReachWell enabling your school's contacts (i.e. families) to be automatically pulled into ReachWell on a nightly basis! This allows you to utilize ReachWell's private groups, instant chats, and messaging call/text/email features with ease. To connect to your school's SIS, ReachWell uses a third-party app called Clever. Most student information systems are supported by Clever but you can confirm if yours is by clicking here for the complete list of supported SIS's.
Please note: Even if your organization does not use one of Clever's supported student information systems, you still have the ability to manually upload your SIS data to Clever via CSV files. This data can then be synced to ReachWell. For more information, click HERE!Clever Steps
- Create a Clever account here if you don't already have one.
- Once you have an account, log in to Clever using this link and search for "ReachWell" to add our application from the Request Applications page. Please be sure to add the SSO/Rostering version of the app. Please note that you may need permission from your organization's IT administrator in order to connect using Clever.
Once done, you will set up your
ReachWell "sharing permissions" which determine what data will be synced to
ReachWell from your SIS. For details on how to set up your sharing permissions please
visit this link.
ReachWell recommends you:
- Choose Share by Rules.
- Choose to Share by Student in order to select certain schools and then select Done editing.
- Select Add Another Rule.
- Share the students whose contacts you would like to provide access to ReachWell. You can set the filters to be very specific about which students (and associated contacts) you would like to include or exclude from the sync to ReachWell. When students are excluded from the sharing rules, their associated contacts will also not be synced to ReachWell.
- Select Done editing and then Save sharing rules.
What data is synced to ReachWell?
ReachWell does its best to limit the data being shared with us; however, we urge organizations to check their ReachWell sharing rules in Clever to ensure they are sharing the appropriate desired data. As a precaution, ReachWell will add the following filter on our end so we only receive:
- Contacts whose 'Type = Primary OR Parent/Guardian'
- Contacts whose 'Relationship = Parent'
In Clever, your district admins (and sometimes school admins depending on permission settings) can choose which student and contact data fields (e.g. date of birth, email, gender) to share with ReachWell. However, in order for ReachWell to properly engage families, we do require the following fields.
- Students: District, schools, name, sis_id, school, grade
- Contacts: District, name, sis_id, students, email, phone, relationship, type

Please visit
THIS Clever Help Center article for details on sharing data fields!
Prior to pulling your contacts into ReachWell, we recommend connecting with your ReachWell Success Manager to validate the data before completing the data sync. After validating the data, students and contacts (i.e. families) will be viewable by selecting People> Contacts from your Dashboard.
Click here to subscribe to status updates through our ReachWell Academy channel on the app.
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