How do I Communicate with Contacts Who Don't Have the ReachWell app?

How do I Communicate with Contacts Who Don't Have the ReachWell app?


For organizations utilizing our First Class planprivate groups allow them to communicate with contacts (i.e. families) even if their contacts do not have access to the ReachWell app. Through private groups, we can utilize the contact data (e.g. email, cell phone) synced to ReachWell via your student information system (SIS).  This allows organizations to send messages (e.g. calls, texts or emails) to contacts who do not have access to the ReachWell app.


Once your contacts (i.e. families) have been added to ReachWell via a Clever sync, CSV upload, or manually, and their necessary contact data (e.g. email address, cell phone number) is populated:
  1. Navigate to your ReachWell Dashboard.
  2. Select Announcements s from the main navigation bar and then Create Announcements.
  3. Enter a concise title that clearly articulates what the announcement is about.
  4. Enter the content of the announcement, including any hyperlinks, screenshots, attachments, emojis, and so on. For specific details on how to incorporate various resources into your announcement, please visit THIS article.
  5. Under Publishing Options, select the school(s) or group(s) you would like to send the announcement to. You will not be able to select both a school and groups.
  6. Under Select Sending Option, choose your preferred method of reaching the associated contacts (e.g. email, app, text). You can select multiple send options in order to reach contacts who have the app in addition to those who don't.
  7. Select Send to send your announcementSelecting Save will only save the announcement as a draft.


For additional questions, please reach out to We are happy to help! 
Click here to subscribe to status updates through our ReachWell Academy channel on the app.

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