Reports to Know Which Group Contacts are On the App

Reports to Know Which Group Contacts are On the App


This article details ReachWell's Reports to know who is on the app and receive your messages. Our data reports help you to assess how your groups' contacts are using ReachWell This tool can also help you to analyze whether or not your messages and push notifications are being received, and if you should invite more contacts on the app.

Message Stats

Navigating to the Stats for Each Message

  1. Navigate to your ReachWell Dashboard.
  2. From the navigation bar, select Messages > All Announcements.
  3. Select the Eye icon under the Action column.

Reports Data for Each Message

The top of the Stats page will display the message title, who sent the message, when the message was created and delivered, who received the message, and the message type (i.e. how the message was sent).

Under the message information, you can see your messages' stats including:
  1. Contacts: The number of contacts uploaded into your group. Contacts will have been added either through Clever or a CSV upload.
  2. App Subscribers: The number of devices following your group.
  3. Verified Contacts: The number of contacts in your group that are verified.
  4. App Notified: The number of devices who were notified when your message was sent.
  5. Emails Sent: The number of emails that were sent.

Below general stats, you can find for each individual contact if they are verified (i.e. whether or not they entered their unique verification code in the app), whether they were notified about your message, and whether the email was sent to them.
Please Note: If a contact is unverified, you will not be able to know if they were notified on the app or not.

Confirming Whether Each Contact is Verified on the App

Navigating the Contacts Page
  1. Navigate to your ReachWell Dashboard.
  2. From the navigation bar, select People > Contacts.
  3. For each contact who is verified, they will have a blue shield under the status column. A verified contact has entered their unique verification code in the app.
  4. For each contact who is not verified, they will have a grey shield under the status column. An unverified contact has not entered their unique verification code in the app. The system cannot confirm whether they have downloaded the app or not.
Click here to subscribe to status updates through our ReachWell Academy channel on the app.

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