Video Overview
Notify Staff
Let staff know that ReachWell is the communication platform they'll be using. To set staff up for success, set clear expectations of how often and when they should communicate, and provide training materials.
Notify Staff via Email
Subject: Family Communications - Exciting News!
Dear [School/Org Name] Team,
Family engagement is essential to our students’ achievement. We are excited to announce we are adopting a mobile device app called ReachWell in order to improve communication and drive engagement with our students' families! ReachWell features include:
Translating our communications into 103+ different languages to our families' mobile devices via app notifications and emails. Families can select their preferred language and ReachWell will translate our communications for them!
Making communications consistent and giving us a single platform for families to review our school calendar, contact information, regular school updates, access social & academic resources, plus the ability to be connected to groups (e.g. classroom-level, athletics, volunteer opportunities, etc.) to receive communications.
Saying goodbye to student handouts and folders which will save us time, effort and resources!
Keeping your personal information (e.g. phone number) private while being able to deliver notifications and texts directly to students' families.
<Action Required> Click
HERE to register for ReachWell Academy, a quick video on how to navigate engage families through ReachWell. Please watch by [DATE]. While watching the video, keep in mind:
You are expected to send [ONE MESSAGE A WEEK] to your class.
You are expected to familiarize yourself with the ReachWell Help Center which provides specific instructions for updating groups, sending messages & chats, associating a Google Calendar with your group(s), and more. This can be accessed from the Help icon at the top of your ReachWell Connect Dashboard.
Thanks for supporting this important program that has helped numerous organizations and schools improve family engagement! We appreciate your personal commitment to ensuring ReachWell is successful at our organization. If you have any questions from the ReachWell videos, please send them to [app lead's email address].
Thank you!
Script to Notify Staff in a Team Meeting
On [DATE], you received an email about our new family engagement program, ReachWell.
ReachWell is helping us streamline our family engagement, with messages that are translated in over 100 languages.
Your account is already created for you, and families are already rostered into your group! You just need to log in and start to send messages.
Watch the ReachWell Academy video by [DATE]. The link is in the email you received.
Optional: We will have a Q&A session with a ReachWell rep on [DATE]. Be sure to write down your questions from the video for that session.
Online Video Training
Printable Guide
This printable training guide for Group Admins provides best practices and guidance for creating the most impactful messages and instant chats, updating a group profile, and viewing contacts. This Google Slide Deck can be used by Org and School Admins to train your organization's Group Admins. Find a script in the slide notes.
For additional questions, please reach out to ReachWell Support! We are happy to help!
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