Drawing for Verified Families - Contact Sync Launch

Drawing for Verified Families - Contact Sync Launch


This article will guide you through an incentive to increase adoption of the ReachWell app.

Drawing Instructions

Inform families of the drawing via email
  1. Navigate to your ReachWell Dashboard > Messages > Create Announcement.
  2. Deselect App Notification.
  3. Select your school name under Schools/Orgs.
  4. Copy and paste the suggested email content below into your message and modify drawing amount, store of the gift card, and date of the drawing.
  5. Click Send.
Inform families of the drawing via text
  1. Navigate to your ReachWell Dashboard > Messages > Create Announcement.
  2. Deselect App Notification and Email Notification, then select SMS Urgent Only.
  3. Select your school name under Schools/Orgs.
  4. Copy and paste the suggested text content below into your message and modify drawing amount.
  5. Click Send.
Promote the drawing during an in-person or webinar event.

Select the drawing winner
  1. On date of drawing,  in the ReachWell Dashboard, navigate to People> Contacts page.
  2. Click Select All at the top of the list.
  3. Select the Export contacts as CSV file from Choose a Bulk Action dropdown menu
  4. Open the downloaded file and add a filter to the CSV to show only verified contacts.
  5. Follow these instructions to use excel's RAND function, or Shuffle Data function, to randomly select the recipient of the drawing amount.
Contact the winner and community
  1. Call the drawing winner, and ask them to come to the main office to pick up the gift card to ensure they receive it.
  2. Email the community to let them know that a winner has been selected.

Email Template

Subject: Get [School Name}'s App, Verify and Win Money!

Dear [School Name] Families,

Family communication is essential to our students' achievement. We’re improving how we communicate with the new ReachWell app to deliver essential school information.

Follow these steps to set up your app:
  1. Get the app: rwell.us/app.
  2. Tap “I have a code!” to enter into your school's page.
  3. If you don't know your code, tap "Request Code" and enter your phone number.
You’re now entered to WIN a [$100] [Wal-Mart] gift card!!!  We'll be drawing the winner on [DATE].

If you’ve already verified, your name is automatically submitted.

Watch these videos to learn how to get the most from your ReachWell application:
  1. English Video: https://youtu.be/89KxvyKk324
  2. Spanish Video: https://youtu.be/o9rDtEso_uU
Be a hero and share this message with your friends to help them stay connected.

Thank you for helping us support our community!

Text Template

Subject: Get [School Name}'s App, Verify and Win [$100] Gift Card!

Download and verify on the ReachWell app to enter into the drawing: rwell.us/app.

For additional questions, please reach out to support@reachwellapp.com. We are happy to help! 
Click here to subscribe to status updates through our ReachWell Academy channel on the app.

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