Notify Contacts - Robocall Announcement - Essentials Plan
Organizations can utilize and modify the scripts in this article for reaching contacts (i.e. families) by phone. You can use your organization's traditional robocall or auto-dial service for this call.

Please note: Phone calls are not the most recommended method of message delivery as they are typically delivered by a robotic voice which often feels less personal to the receiver.
Call Script: English
We're thrilled to announce we are improving the way we communicate with you on a regular basis! Beginning <TODAY or ENTER DATE> all communications will be distributed to you by an application called ReachWell. You should receive an email or text message <BY THE END OF TODAY or DATE/TIME> with instructions to download the ReachWell App from the Apple or Google Play store.
Through ReachWell, we will be able to communicate essential real-time information to you like closures and delays! If you are unable to download the ReachWell app, please contact our front office immediately.
Call Script: Spanish
¡Nos complace anunciar que estamos cambiando la forma en que nos comunicamos con usted regularmente! A partir de <HOY or ENTER DATE>, toda la comunicación se distribuirá en la aplicación ReachWell. Recibirá un correo electrónico o un mensaje de texto <AL FINAL DE HOY or DATE/TIME> con instrucciones de bajar la aplicación.
En la aplicación, comunicaremos información esencial como cierres y demoras. Si no puede descargar la aplicación por algún razón, comuníquese con nuestra oficina inmediatamente.
Click here to subscribe to status updates through our ReachWell
Academy channel on the app.
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