Creating Multiple Group Admins & Groups via a CSV Upload
To create multiple groups or multiple group admins, you can import a CSV file. A separate import is required for new groups and new admins. Existing admins can be assigned to new groups in the same import.
Step 1: Create Multiple Ad-Hoc Groups
Export Current Data
- To begin, navigate to your Dashboard > Organizations > Groups page.
- Click the Export Data button to see how current groups are set up. This export also includes the school ID that current groups are associated to, which is a required field in your CSV import.
- Note down the school ID in column E.
- Delete current data, except for the headers, which you will use for your CSV import.
CSV File Fields
- Group ID: This should be left blank as this ID will be auto-generated by ReachWell.
- Group Name (required): Enter a name for the group.
- About: If desired, enter a description for the group. If left blank, the Group Admin(s) managing the group can update it at a later time.
- Visibility (required): Fill in "Private", "Public - Opt Out", or "Public - Opt In"
- Private (contacts will need to be rostered into the group, and can only view the group when they have entered their code in the app.)
- Public - Opt In (anyone can join the group and view its announcements)
- Public - Opt Out (all contacts are automatically joined into the group)
- School ID: Enter the ReachWell School ID associated with each group (detailed above).
- Google Cal ID: If you would like to associate a Google Calendar with this group, paste the Google Calendar ID here. If left blank, the associated Group Admins can do this at a later time.
- Admin Email(s): Associate the Group Admin(s) who will manage this group by entering their email addresses here. If there will be multiple Group Admins, separate each email address with a semicolon. Only admins that currently exist in ReachWell can be added to a group this way. New admins will be created in the next step.
- School/Org(s): Leave this field blank as it will be auto-generated based on the School ID you entered.
- Save the file as a CSV.
Import New Data
- Go back to the dashboard Groups page.
- Click the Add New Group button.
- In the top box, Create multiple Groups by importing CSV file, click the Import Groups button.
- Click the Import Groups button, search for the CSV file, and click Save.
- A confirmation bar will let you know that the groups have been successfully created.
- Go back to the Organizations > Groups page, and export the current group data. You will need the Group IDs to add admin accounts.
Step 2: Adding Group Admins via CSV
- Navigate to your Dashboard > Admins page.
- Select Add New Admin.
- Select Import Admins.
- Select Get Import Template to download the CSV import file.
- When filling in the template details for each Group Admin:
- Leave the Admin ID column blank as this number will be auto-generated.
- For each new Group Admin, the required fields are their Email, First Name, Last Name, State and the Org ID (i.e. Group ID) for the organization they are associated with. You can paste the group ID from the excel file you exported from the Groups page, or find them in the table on the Organizations > Classes and Groups page.
- The City, Phone Number, and Language fields are not required.
- The Chat Visible option will tell ReachWell if the Group Admin(s) should have private chat enabled. This fields accepts values of Yes or No. If left blank, this option will default to Yes.
- The following fields should be left blank as these details will be auto-generated when the admins are created:
- Network(s)
- School/Org(s)
- Group(s)
- Created at
- Save the completed CSV file to your desktop.
- Go back to the Dashboard > Admins page, select Add an Admin.
- Select Import Admins, search for the CSV file, and click Save.
- A confirmation bar will let you know that the admins have been successfully created.
Once the file has been uploaded, the admins you selected will belong to the groups you just created.

Please note: If there are formatting errors with the uploaded files, you will be shown the error details in ReachWell after uploading.
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