Creating a Parent-Teacher Conference Form

Creating a Parent-Teacher Conference Form

ReachWell Managed Parent-Teacher Conference Form

If your subscription includes a ReachWell-managed form and you would like the ReachWell team to create a new form for you, please follow these instructions:
  1. Open THIS template.
  2. Make a copy of the spreadsheet for editing purposes.
  3. Fill out details of the form. In rows 1-5, fill in the dates you would like families to be sent this form, who the email notification is coming from, as well as the email address they can respond to. Starting in row 17, fill in the teachers who will be having parent-teacher conferences and what times they will be available.
  4. Send the completed template to including the date. Be sure to include how you would like to collect form responses; otherwise, it will be via a Google Sheet. Turnaround typically takes about 24 for one school's forms, and around 2-3 days for an entire network or district.
  5. Once your form is complete, we will send you the new survey link URL (to update your Resources Forms & Surveys section), your contact response Google Sheet, and your collaboration link in case you would like to make future edits to the form yourself.
  6. When you are ready for your Parent-Teacher Conference form to go live:
    1. Send the form to your families as a push notification via the Messages > Create Announcement page.
    2. Create a banner hyperlinked to the new form. This can be done from your ReachWell Dashboard, select App Setup > Schools/Orgs. Click the Update option under the Banners column. Add the Parent-Teacher Form URL to the uploaded image for your banner so contacts can click on the banner to be directed to your form. Click HERE for instructions!
  1. Add the parent-teacher conferences as a Google or Outlook calendar event on your connected calendar!
Don't forget to remove the banner at the completion of the parent-teacher conferences, and be sure to celebrate! You did it!

School Managed Parent-Teacher Conference Form

If you are creating your own forms, you can use whichever form tool you prefer (e.g. Google Forms, Survey Monkey, SignUpGenius, JotForm, etc.).
  1. Once your form is complete, copy the form URL (i.e. hyperlink) to update your ReachWell Organizations > Schools/Orgs > Resources Forms & Surveys section to paste the new URL in the box corresponding to this form.
  2. When you are ready for your Parent-Teacher Conference form to go live:
    1. Send the form to your families via the Dashboard > Messages > Create Announcement page.
      1. Under message type, organizations using our First Class and Economy plans, can also send an announcement via text message to reach as many families as possible. Text character limit is 160.
    2. Create a banner hyperlinked to the new form! This can be done from your ReachWell Dashboard, select App Setup > Schools/Orgs. Click the Update option under the Banners column. Add the Parent-Teacher Form URL to the uploaded image for your banner so contacts can click on the banner to be directed to your form. Click HERE for details!
    1. Add the parent-teacher conferences as a Google or Outlook calendar event on your connected calendar!
Don't forget to remove the banner at the completion of the parent-teacher conferences, and be sure to celebrate! You did it!
For additional questions, please reach out to We are happy to help!
Click here to subscribe to status updates through our ReachWell Academy channel on the app.

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