First Class Plan: Syncing Groups to Clever Sections

First Class Plan: Syncing Groups to Clever Sections


Organizations who are utilizing our First Class plan have the option to "sync" student and contact (i.e. family) data to ReachWell from their student information system (SIS) via a third-party program called Clever. In these cases, contacts can be easily assigned to specific groups based on their associated student's sections (i.e. classes, courses) in the SIS. Sections can be associated with groups in ReachWell so that, if a section changes (e.g. a student leaves a class, new students join a class, etc.), the ReachWell group will be dynamically updated accordingly so no manual updates are needed.

For details about syncing data from Clever, please visit THIS article!


Once your student information system (SIS) sections are synced to Clever, and then ReachWell, they can be used to automatically assign contacts (i.e. families) to groups. To do this:
  1. Make sure you have access to admin login credentials for Clever.
  2. Navigate to your ReachWell Dashboard > Click on your Name in the right Corner> Clever Sync > Login with Clever.


  1. Log in using your Clever admin credentials.
  2. Select the Section Sync option.
  1. Select your school from the top selection bar.


  1. Click the plus icon.
  1. Select the appropriate section, and then group that should be synced to that section's student contacts.
  2. Click the plus icon until you have assigned all needed sections to their respective groups.
  3. Select Submit.
Please Note: Contacts will populate into their correct groups after a nightly sync with Clever. Wait 24 hours to see contacts show up in their groups.

Clever Section Sync FAQs

What are Clever Sections?

Clever "sections" are essentially student courses or classes. The majority of sections are "synced" (i.e. updated) from your district's student information system (SIS) to Clever, and then to ReachWell. However, schools and districts also have the ability to create custom sections manually in Clever that can also sync to ReachWell. This is useful in situations where a course or class will not be created in your district's SIS, but is still needed. Some examples include summer school classes, intervention groups, after-school programs, and more! Custom sections in Clever behave just like sections from your student information system (SIS). Once the sections are in Clever, they can be shared with ReachWell

Sections are automatically created based on the classes in your SIS. However, if you need custom sections in Clever, please visit THIS Clever Help Center article.

How many sections can I assign to a single group?

Districts and schools can assign as many sections to one group as needed.

  1. For example: If Mrs. Smith has sections that include Science Period 1, Science Period 2, and Science Period 7, all of those sections can be assigned to "Ms. Smith's Science Group" in ReachWell.

However, once you assign a Clever section to a group, it cannot be assigned to another group. Each section can only be assigned to one group.

  1. For example: Mrs. Smith Science Period 1 cannot be assigned to both "Ms. Smith's Science Group"  and "North High School Science Classes".  ReachWell will associate the section with the first group it is assigned to.

How often does Clever sync to ReachWell?

ReachWell syncs nightly with Clever. This means it may take up to 24 hours for you to see updated students (and their related contacts) in ReachWell groups.

Are student changes automatically synced to ReachWell via Clever?

Yes! When a student's roster is updated (e.g. switching classes, adding new classes), this data is automatically synced to Clever via your student information system (SIS) and then to ReachWell. Sections are automatically updated in ReachWell daily because of the Clever sync. This includes updates to the section's rosters. The key here is making sure your rostering data is current in your SIS. The data in ReachWell will only reflect what is in your SIS and is being shared with our app.

What if a section is deleted from our SIS?

If a section is deleted from your student information system (SIS), students who were rostered to the deleted section will be removed from the associated group in ReachWell.

What if I delete a group that a section was synced to?

Any students associated with that group would be removed from the group.

Can I prevent the section sync for a group?

Yes! If you would like a Clever section to stop updating a group in ReachWell, you can navigate to your Your Name in the top right Corner > Clever Sync > Section Sync page to:
  • Remove the rule by clicking the trash icon to the right of the rule. This will not remove students from the group, but it will stop the students rostered to that section from syncing via Clever.
  • Choosing to re-sync at a later time will update the students in the group removing and adding students.

What if I don't know my Clever admin login credentials?

If you are unsure of your Clever admin login credentials, please:

  1. Navigate to the Clever website.
  2. Depending on how you are set up in Clever, you will either select:
    1. Log in as a Teacher/School Admin or District Admin


  1. Search for and select your school.
  1. Select the 'Get help logging in!' or 'Forgot your password?' option to reset your password using your district or school-provided email address.
For additional questions, please reach out to We are happy to help!
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